It has been an epic busy year and I feel very naughty at not posting, but if you love what I do I'm sure you are already following me on facebook...
But, just in case you weren't... over the winter I created some pieces for the amazing new Exhibition at the Royal Observatories Greenwich - "Longitude Punk'd"
which will be open till January 2015.
I am excited out of all proportion that they used the celestial gear map that I created for the fabric on the front of the corset, as a pattern on teatowels, mugs and magnets and the like in the exhibition shop too!
Once that had opened, I went back to work on films, working in the making wardrobes and on set for assorted exciting feature films.
The world of films is not conducive to blogging as everything is super hush hush and you are working very long days with no time to write. But I have been having a lot of fun and hopefully will continue to!
I'm still going to loads of festivals and exhibitions to give talks and demo's on costume/jewellery sign books etc so do say hello if you see me!
March 26, 2025 Edition of #TOYSREVILTOYNEWS
1 hour ago
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