Oh my goodness, I have just had the best
weekend ever! Huge cheers for Helen Cox who organized it absolutely beautifully. Considering there were over 15 nationalities represented I can't believe how well everyone comunicated and how extremely well planned everything was.
There was a wonderful selection of workshops and 6 inspiring internationally acclaimed tutors, I made loads of incredibly cool stuff, learnt new techniques and met loads of like minded lovely polyclay enthusiasts! What more could you possibly ask for?

These are the things I made in the workshops. I learned so much, not least of which was how to condition Kato clay , to which I am now a complete convert.
I made lots of new friends, particulary Lone from Norway, Valerie and Craig from Scotland and Sue from just down the road! Valerie teaches poly clay oop north and had loads of really great advice, as well as a tool for everything (and many spare ones to share!) Lone and I were both totally blown away by
Iris Mishlys workshop and had to be forcibly stopped from making flower canes and pillow beads for the rest of the weekend!

It was also wonderful to meet my polyclay heroine,
Donna Kato, whose books and work have inspired be for many years, I had a great class with her and also managed to get an interview which will hopefully get a print in Making Jewellery soon.
On the last evening we had a party and all swapped beads we'd made specially, this is my haul! aren't they totally gorgeous? Every single one a work of art from a poly clay student, usually scattered all around europe!