Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Gin bustle begins

So, I have a pile of gorgeous fabrics from my stash box (rarely do I ever buy fabric for myself, it's usually leftovers or donations...) and A PLAN.

Sort of. The plan is to get assistants Nicolette and Lizzie so excited they make it all for me. Hmmmm not sure that's going to happen, except for the excited bit....

So today I have cut out the bustle cage shape, it's changed a little in concept from the original drawing, but will be easier to wear and more fun to look at I think.

I've also cut out the main underskirt, found some smashing blue embroidered silk velvet I forgot I had, might be a bit warm for September but it will have to do!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That fabric stash does look gorgeous.

Looking forward to seeing the progress on the Gin Bustle, sounds like a wonderful idea.